How to Become the Person You Admire

Olya Barnett
3 min readMay 9, 2018


Often, we look up to certain people for a reason.

The qualities they have are the qualities we wish to have. But you can’t gain those qualities by looking and admiring. You have to implement those qualities within yourself. You have to find ways to use those qualities so much so that, not only do they turn into a habit, but they become a part of who you are. Everything you seek and desire is within yourself; you just have to use effective strategies to be the person you admire most.

Here is a list of five steps on how to acquire those magical qualities you are seeking:

  1. Make a list: To really figure out what you want, you must first write down the list of qualities you wish to attain. Writing them down makes them into a clearer and bigger picture for yourself. When you see what you write down and begin to process it- you’re brain begins to automatically find situations and opportunities where you can practice using that particular quality.
  2. Get ready to be out of your comfort zone: let’s get one thing straight here- getting out of your comfort zone is going to be an ABSOLUTE must. Do not think that this is something you can skip out on- nothing happens in the comfort zone. You don’t grow, and with the title of this article, lack of growth isn’t a strategy that is going to help. Some advice on stepping out of your comfort zone: Don’t think too hard about it. Mel Robbins said it best in her book, The 5 Second Rule; you have five seconds to make a decision when presented with the opportunity. Your brain catches it and if you don’t make a decision within that five seconds and take an actionable step towards it- you likely won’t do it at all. So when you catch an opportunity, don’t allow your fear to decide for you.
  3. Fake it: Your fear will try to take over your actions- DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN. Fake the confidence, and you’ll override the fear. You’re stronger than that, trust me. You wouldn’t be presented with that chance if you couldn’t do it. So ignore the fear and go for it. Your future-self depends on it.
  4. Implement those qualities daily: In The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma discusses that to make a habit- you have to practice using it for 21 days straight. But don’t fret- it needn’t be so scary, just start small and climb as you go. Ensure that you are seeking different opportunities to practice that quality as often as you can. Daily in the least.
  5. Reflect in writing: I don’t know what it is about writing, but being able to self-reflect on paper is one of the most benefiting and rewarding habits I’ve developed since starting my blog. Write down daily (even just for a couple of minutes a day) how you have implemented the particular quality and how it worked out for you. Not every single day is going to be a great day, but you’re bound to fail numerous amounts of time if you want to succeed. Incorporate in your reflection what you can do differently tomorrow. Do you need to try using the quality in a new situation? Has it opened your eyes to something else? Whatever it is- reflect and write about it daily. I find that the Five Minute Journal is great for short and quick journal entries! It will help you climb those steps towards self-growth and your overall goal.

I hope that these steps help you acquire whatever quality you are seeking. Remember, we look up to certain people for a reason. That reason is that you too can have those admirable qualities. You have to peek inside of yourself, throw the boogie-man (fear) out, put it to the test daily, and stay patient. In no time you’ll be walking around with those admirable qualities that you’ve always wished you had.

I know for a fact that you can be and do anything that you want. You’re amazing, please never let anyone tell you differently.

I wish you the best of luck. Comment your results down below in the comments section and let me know how this goes for you!



Olya Barnett
Olya Barnett

Written by Olya Barnett

A Soul having a human experience while learning how to get out of her own way and empowering those along the way with one writing or creative piece at a time!

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